BIO AMOVIR SAS 179 rue du Poirier 14650 CARPIQUET contact: FRANCE ©2020 par BIO AMOVIR SAS.
Fast and easy way of maintaining the perfect hygiene of your hands wherever you may be – in the office, on your way to somewhere, in the children playground, in the bus, with your pet, in healthcare and public buildings. The compact antibacterial hand gel MEDIX kills 99.9% of bacteria envelopped viruses* by cleaning and disinfecting in just a few seconds – no need to use water and soap. With refreshing aroma and additives to moisture your skin so that you could feel clean and assured at every place you may be.
Packing and dosing:
Usage instructions: apply 3ml of the gel on clean and dry hands by rubbing vigorously for about 60 seconds.
Suitable for:
* Direct external use to disinfect hands
*When following the exposure time of 60 seconds and the usage instructions. Biocidal product with bactericidal and partially virucidal (enveloped viruses) action for hand hygiene and disinfection. License No 1007-3/12.02.2015 for placing biocidal product on the market.
Hazard Category: Flammable Liquids, Category 3. Use the biocidal product with caution. Always read the label and product information before use.
BIO AMOVIR SAS 179 rue du Poirier 14650 CARPIQUET FRANCE contact: ©2020 par BIO AMOVIR SAS.
Fast and easy way of maintaining the perfect hygiene of your hands wherever you may be – in the office, on your way to somewhere, in the children playground, in the bus, with your pet, in healthcare and public buildings. The compact antibacterial hand gel MEDIX kills 99.9% of bacteria envelopped viruses* by cleaning and disinfecting in just a few seconds – no need to use water and soap. With refreshing aroma and additives to moisture your skin so that you could feel clean and assured at every place you may be.
Packing and dosing:
Usage instructions: apply 3ml of the gel on clean and dry hands by rubbing vigorously for about 60 seconds.
Suitable for:
* Direct external use to disinfect hands
*When following the exposure time of 60 seconds and the usage instructions. Biocidal product with bactericidal and partially virucidal (enveloped viruses) action for hand hygiene and disinfection. License No 1007-3/12.02.2015 for placing biocidal product on the market.
Hazard Category: Flammable Liquids, Category 3. Use the biocidal product with caution. Always read the label and product information before use.